Friday, September 27, 2013

Doing at twitcastー(´∀`)


I'll be doing a Twitcast now♪


If you're free come and play☆彡

Connection cured (´;ω;`)


The net is healed !!!!

I'll be doing a nicolive at 9pm so
I'll prepareー(´∀`)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Internet's not connecting ;;


I booked a Nicolive at 9pm
and yet
the internet's not working(/_;)


And also
I got Berryz Koubo's new song!(*'▽'*)

いちご愛川こずえTwitter @aikawa_kozueいちご

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I accidentally posted the same article twice ww
Sorry www

I was really surprised
by the comments on my last article :(;゙゚'ω゚'):

But in the end pink is nice huh!
Flower and polkadots seem to be popular!

What was surprising was that
not many people said black(´Д`)!

There were so many people who said white, it was surprising!

In the future
if I ever get to wear a swimsuit
I'll post a picture(*゚▽゚*)

This is off topic but
I used the strange continuous shooting camera function on my smartphone
I ended up taking a bunch of photos.

Well that was on Sunday though♪

いちご愛川こずえtwitter @aikawa_kozue いちご

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Question for everyone!


I've had quite a few typos in my blog recentlyヽ(´Д`;)ノ
Is it because of summer heat fatigue?ヽ(´Д`;)ノ←

I have a question for everyone!

If I were to wear a bikini,
What color do you think would suit me-?・ω・

It's almost summer so I should decide on one(^O^)

いちご愛川こずえtwitter @aikawa_kozue いちご